Saturday, July 3, 2010


I tend to forget about eating when I am stressed out and now it happen again... I try to demolish this bad habbit but somehow it just didn't come to a result that I was hopping for... I realy don't like to do everything in a rush and have no planning or what so ever... When I am under stress or depressed, I tend to shut down... or maybe just went into hibernate... sometimes I realy wonder if this is even my choice... is it me who don't want to talk to ppl or maybe I just haven't found someone to talk to.... some of my good friends said that sometimes I have a look that said "I can settle everything myself, I don't need help thank you, just leave me alone". Am I realy sending out this kind of signal? Well... I do most of my things alone and independently but from the past few weeks, I suddenly notice that I am just human and I do have requirement... I do want a normal life... just wish that I could remember how...