Friday, July 23, 2010

23/7/10 Test@@

Today started out bad, I had gastric early in the morning and at start, I really don't want to eat meds but it got worse once I started the test so I walk out and buy myself some active fast panadol, I put the rest of it on the shelf on the way getting back to my sit. After the exam, it was so weird, I took my bag and talk to my friends a while but when I went back to the shelf to take the panadol, it was already gone, some strange incident that is...

I was glad that I finally talk to the pink guy and he is actually quit friendly, maybe at first he just don't know how to communicate with others so he protects himself by putting on a scary face. I am glad that I didn't gave up just like that, eventually, he was open to communicate with me...

My bike's chain broke on the way home which nearly cause me an accident and I have to fix it under the angry and fierce sun, caused me a pair of clean hands but never least my bike didn't let me walk home by myself...

I was planning on having a nap but had insomnia again...why can't I just close my eyes and sleep like everyone else...that would be so nice to just fall asleep whenever I wanted to...^^